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Så arbetar SAS med digital marknadsföring


Med jämna mellanrum håller Sveriges Annonsörer kostnadsfria seminarier för sina medlemmar. Förra veckan var SAS inbjudna att berätta om sin mobilstrategi under den underbara rubriken ”App in The Air”. Jag tänkte återge (på engelska) ett par av de spännande insikterna om SAS digitala marknadsföring.

Digital Organisation:
SAS has an internal department called ”SMC” which manages branding and campaigns. There is a separate digital department called ”eCommerce”. Online Marketing is situated not under Marketong but under eCommerce because of the high complexity in digital media: deeplinks, tracking, conversion, domains, remarketing, redirects etc.

Purchase Intent instead if demographic segmentation for Display advertising:
SAS ads will show different messages within the different maturity stages of he purchase cycle. Example: ”No hidden fees” in early, low purchase intent target groups vs ”We offer open refund for 24h” closer to conversion.

Why is this a more effective approach?

  • You will get a high hit rate in the target group
  • You don’t risk buying waste impressions
  • There is a high proximity to purchase, so fewer ”forgotten” impressions. Most people suffer from memory loss and short attention span.
  • There is naturally a higher level of interest in travel marketing messages overall than if you only target on demographic factors such as age.

Do not be too talkative on Facebook! Updates under 100 characters convert better.
If you have an app, you can market it using FB install ads. You can also install the Facebook SDK to identify those who have already downloaded the app (and exclude them from campaigns)

According to SAS, the CTR from Display ads is higher on mobile media than desktop but conversion rates are lower.  Also, mobile touchpoints are more common early in the purchase funnel and therefore used by SAS to inspire and warm up prospective customers.

Tack till Mikael Ernemark och Johan Kristiansson!

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